I read, with interest, this blog post which claims many business are finding BSA and SIIA audits costing them thousands because of settlement claims. The post says expectations of some companies as to the settlement figure is far too low, resulting in “unpleasant surprises”. These can be avoid though, as can audits in the first … Continue reading “Unpleasant surprises” can be avoided, saving thousands
I heard last week about an organization that had been asked by a major software supplier to cooperate with an audit. Some time later, the organization produced a tally of the total copies installed of each of the supplier’s applications. Turns out, that’s never going to be enough. Unless maintenance is totally up to date … Continue reading Counting installs is not enough for software license audit
Well known Microsoft watcher Mary-Jo Foley alerts us to a new report from Microsoft Directions with some very useful observations for any organization interested in reducing its annual spend on Microsoft renewals. The negotation process to minimize that spend is going to be illuminated and strengthened for the end-user organization if they have clear information … Continue reading Microsoft Agreement Renewal Coming Up? Get Smart!
A colleague pointed me the blog of Ray Wang of Forrester Research, at http://blog.softwareinsider.org/ where his post for March 24th provides some guidance for organizations looking to squeeze costs out of their operations wherever possible. The notes make absolute sense, but they point to the need to understand application usage, not just where it is installed. Software … Continue reading Five Simple Steps to Reducing Software Maintenance Costs
I’ve just read an interesting post on this topic on ZDnet, making the case that the advent of cloud computing is going to raise users’ expectations of performance, which will in turn drive the need for a much higher level of analytical information on the performance of all the key elements of the cloud infrastructure. … Continue reading System Analytics and Cloud Computing / SaaS
While the need to manage servers and workstations has always been there, many organizations are now facing new challenges and increased complexity following the introduction of virtual machines. Virtual machines usually increase the efficiency of use of existing computing resources, and that can drive rapid growth in numbers. As a result, some IT departments are … Continue reading Asset Management with Mixed Virtual and Real Machines
It’s too much of a coincidence that we are seeing more interest now in the combined virtues of Software Inventory and Application Software Usage Measurement. Software Inventory in support of compliance audit has always been seen as something of a gamble as far as RoI is concerned. Each organization is unsure as to whether it … Continue reading Tough economic climate drives a shift in SAM focus?
We are pleased to have pursuaded Warren Free, Business Development Manager at our exclusive EMEA partner Virtual Network Partners, to have given up some time to providing an update on their experiences in positioning application streaming to the UK market. Regular updates from Warren should enable us to track the evolution of the UK market’s attitude to application virtualisation in … Continue reading Application Virtualization: UK market realities: Guest post
While everyone we talk with seems to be comfortable with the concepts of server virtualization, and understands the idea of making better use of idle CPUs with multiple virtual machines, we get the clear impression that the positioning of application virtualization in the enterprise is still suffering from lack of clarity. Benefits can include reduced licensing … Continue reading Applications on Demand – Streamlined Provision or Expensive Anarchy?
I was intrigued to see this morning that the BSA’s Web site carries no obvious mention of the ISO/IEC standard on Software Asset Management that was launched at the British Standards Institute in 2006. I remember clearly from the launch seminar at BSI’s building that BS ISO/IEC 19770-1:2006 Software Asset Management was an international effort, intended to simplify SAM … Continue reading Global responses to software piracy and software asset management